Sunday, April 21, 2013

Yes their sharing a drink they called loneliness but it’s better than drinking alone.” If this line from BillyJoel’s Piano Man is liquor; this drink was properly brewed and perfectly mixed for I seldom had tasted anything as fiery, as contradicting, as sad, and as sweet as this.

Anne Curtis

I am not sure whether these beauties: Angelica Panganiban, Anne Curtis, Kristine Reyes, Maja Salvador, and KC Conception are rowdy and disorderly when drunk; of whether they are moderate  or heavy drinkers; and of whether they are into alcohol or not. But since they are endorsers of intoxicating alcoholic drinks that can cause a person to act roughly and disorderly, I tagged this beautiful talented actress as bangag beauties to dramatize the weight of this subject by which they are into.

Angelika Panganiban
“From great power comes great responsibility.” Would a person with charisma and power lead a follower into a pit of destruction? As actresses and TV personalities, many Filipinos are followers of these popular public figures who represent beauty, glamor, talent, success, fame, wealth, etc. For millions of young Filipino women, they are cool, modern, timely, trendy idols, and role models who most likely should be followed. It is unfortunate that most people, especially the young, are blind-followers who seemingly don’t know the difference between illusion and reality. On TV screens, drunks are cool, hips, groovy, fashionable, and suave; but out-screen, quite number of alcohol drinkers are noisy, rowdy, out of control, troublemakers, shameless, disastrous, and destructive. Alcohol has the power to create a noise out of silence and turn a saint into a beast.

Maja Salvador
Statistics had shown that a great number of young Filipino women are into alcohol; and from what I saw, even High School students are already into alcoholic drinks. Maybe the reason why almost every day in the news, we are seeing young girls who were gang-raped by their friends while in alcoholic drinking session with them. Everyone is responsible for his own action and it is unfair to blame anyone for the demise of others. But promoting a product that un-doubtly is the cause of so many quarrels, chaos, and destruction is a personal choice of action; a bad action that surely has a bad reaction to the doer.

“What we sow so shall we reap.” “In every action there is a reaction.” “And what profits anyone who gains the whole world but lost his/her soul?” Soul is living entity’s essence; losing one’s soul is worst than physical death. Its devastating negative effect may not be immediately felt. But even in the beginning stage, a person would easily perceive that he or she is without soul; if he is without peace. No amount of alcohol could ever drown the misery of a person who is without peace. It is a hellish condition; a person maybe surrounded with comfort and luxury but without peace, he is in hell.

This is not a question of just doing a job. These ladies are actresses first and foremost. Product endorsement is only a sideline and not necessarily their main line of work. It is only a subsidiary part of being an actor. Since, it is not actually a permanent job; an artist can survive without it. Besides, big product endorsements are usually offered to TV personalities who are popular, therefore big money earners. Product endorsement promotes an artist. It pays very well and it is a very lucrative avocation. It would be foolish to reject a sideline that offers a big amount of money; but why not, if by doing so, one is at peace with his soul.

KC Concepcion
In street lingo, one who is under the influence of intoxicating drugs or alcohol is called wasted. I find the word wasted very appropriate; and for me, wasted time, wasted money, wasted energy, wasted breath, wasted life, together with quarrel, crimes, prostitution, and rape are but a few of the many synonyms of alcoholism. What could be more precious than life and time? Except for love, I believe that there is none, for no amount of wealth is enough to buy a moment; and no hero had ever been able to turn back the time to recover a wasted beauty who gives a shot to what she perceived is the chance of her lifetime.

If left unchecked, alcoholism (psycho physiological dependence on alcoholic beverages) will greatly contribute to the rampant degradation of Filipino women. Way back a couple of years ago, advertisers of alcoholic drinks were only into using sexy women to tempt the men to buy their products; but now it is different, what we are seeing are younger, wholesome, well-breed movie and TV personalities promoting these intoxicating products to both sexes. Unfortunately, it is clear that there is no censorship for this kind of advertisement. It is everywhere, and even the children are exposed. ABS-CBN, supposedly, according to them, is a kapamilya network; meaning, it is a network which is a member of a Filipino family. If this is true, it should be a network that protects the family; but clearly, they are not as what they claim they are. Because on the contrary, what they are good at is in corrupting the family by fooling and luring them to buy wasteful intoxicating products of ruination.

The song goes, “She works hard for the money so you’d better treat her right”. I have nothing against these beauties. There is no doubt that they are talented, hard workers, and some of them are bread winners of their family. They are but pawns of the game; and they themselves can be considered victims of these complex sad realities of life. No one is actually protecting them; not their family, not their network, not their State, not their Church, not even the so-called “straight path” of a Leader whom I perceive is a Pretender. In the Philippines, the by-word phrase: “It is very hard to earn money” is an accepted common knowledge and a part of life. For most of us, money means happiness; although, money is not the only source of happiness. And it is unfortunate that for many people (because of money) the simple work of earning a happy peaceful life had become a much harder task.  

NOTE: This article is not a personal vendetta against ABS-CBN, which actually is my favorite network. It’s just that this is the only network that I am familiar with, and I’m not sure whether the other networks are doing the same. In fairness to this network, I noticed that mostly of their telenovelas are promoting good moral values; but what is the value of goodness, if the people are drunk.

Months after I posted this article, it appears that those alcoholic drinks ads of these beauties had disappeared. But I opted to not removing this blog to remind me and the people that such irresponsible advertisement had occurred.

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